Announcement: Mr Hedley G Wright


It is with much sadness that J&A Mitchell & Co Ltd announces the passing of its long-standing chairman Mr Hedley G Wright, who died peacefully on Saturday 5th August at the age of 92 after a short illness.

Mr Wright was chairman of J&A Mitchell for over 60 years and steered the company through both good and hard times with steadfast dedication to maintaining the quality and traditions that Springbank and Glengyle Distilleries, and William Cadenhead Ltd, are famous for.

There will be no change in the structure or day to day running of the company following Mr Wright’s passing as the necessary arrangements were put in place a number of years ago.

Nathan Currie


Nathan Currie

1 thought on “Announcement: Mr Hedley G Wright

  1. I have seen the name Hedley G Wright
    in literally 100s of programmes from the Edinburgh International Festival and RSNO over many years. I didn’t know anything about him, but thought he must be a “good egg”

    Today, 14th June I attended the RSNO performance of Berlioz’s Grande Messe des Mortes which was presented in Mr Wright’s memory. The director of the RSNO paid tribute to Mr. Wright. In attendance outside the Usher Hall and adding to the vast brass section for this piece was the splendid Campbelltown Brass Band, of which Mr Wright was a supporter. An excellent memoriam for a good egg.

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